Friday, June 19, 2015

I've been distant recently due to returning back to work, and not to mention prior to that I have had to juggle two kiddos a husband, and a house.  Its not easy, its not fun.  I love my children more than anything in the world; my husband is a passing fancy whom I adore and couldn't see myself without.  However...the money struggles.  I'm not one to put a lot of personal information out especially when it comes to my finances.  However, living on a minimum wage income and only one person in the household is nearly impossible.  My husband and I were struggling just to make ends meet, let alone buy necessities.  I returned to work about a month ago and since then have been able to cover bills, and the little luxuries.
On top of all the stress I have lost friends. I have come to the realization that if people choose not to be in your life because you can't make time, or you don't live up to their standards then Fuck them.  Don't even worry about people who choose to cut you out.  You can't make everyone happy, make yourself happy, and make sure the ones closest to you are happy.  The world is a cruddy place and whether it is because you are poor or you just can't make the time, do something.  Arts and crafts, or spending a little bit of money to take your family out for ice cream.  Enjoy the little things.
Keep your chins up and keep your heart open, it gets better.  Just keep taking deep breaths and loving those around you.  Life is more than we make it out to be.  Its about the little things.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tonight, I am not going to speak about my family.  Tonight, I want each and everyone of you to look at yourselves and think for a moment.  We have all disliked someone and disagreed with someone at one point in our lives.
Now I want you think about your response to this 'enemy' we'll call them.  Did you go right up to this person tell them your opinion of them and or their views?  Did you bluntly, honestly tell THEM how you felt?  Did you run to tell someone else your opinions before confronting the 'enemy?'  Did you even confront the enemy when you smeared their name through the mud?
I am by no means perfect in this.  I am usually a pretty up front person.  If I don't like you I'm not going to talk to you, I give most people a chance to get on my good side or my bad side.  I have gone out to my friends and told them who I don't like, and why I don't like them.  I've also gotten so flustered because of said 'enemy' that I just shit talked the hell out of them and didn't even say anything.
No one is innocent in this, so don't feel guilty while reading this.  I think that if you like someone you like them, that can always go sour, not all friendships are meant to be.  I also think that if you don't like someone that you should tell them and give them a reason, never in anger though.  It doesn't do you or them any good.
What I don't think you should do is kick someone when their down.  Don't make fun a person because of their insecurities, that makes you look like a dick.  Don't hide behind others while being nice to someone and then talk mad smack when they can't see or hear you.  Most of all don't make fun of someone when they are hurting.
f you can't own up to your dislike thats fine, but don't be fake.  Don't make fun of someone when their child's health is being questioned and they have no way to prove it to you.  Thats another thing, what does anyone have to prove to anyone else on equal ground.  I'm not religious but when it comes down to it, who is the one judging me on my judgment day?  I can guarantee you it sure as hell won't be you or anyone else I have come into contact in my life.
You have to look at yourself in the mirror and think about the way that you effect others.  If you can't be happy with yourself and your actions don't do it.  Make sure that when you are looking at you, that you like the person you are.  If that person is a mean old grumpy never feels pleasure in the small things...go you, if that person is light hearted and bubbly and you just love everyone ...go you.
Be honest with yourself, and with others.  Be happy with what you do and how you do it.  Enjoy the things that you enjoy and FUCK everyone else and their judgmental ass words and glares and stares and just about anything else they think they can offer you.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hello again all,
In the last couple of days I have accomplished living my life and not being randomly hit by a car-just saying it could be worse.  For the last couple of days I have wrestled with my two year, and spent time adoring my new baby girl.  I also accomplished vacuuming my living room, doing dishes, and cooking dinner.
When I was pregnant, and before; people always told me that having my children 2 1/2 years apart was ideal.  Since having my daughter I have come to find that is not the case.  I love my son, and during my pregnancy with my daughter my biggest fear is that I wouldn't bond with her the way I did my him, and that I might not love her as much as him.  From the day she was born I could look back at myself and almost kick her in the rump for even thinking such a thing. 
Having two children so close together is both a blessing and a curse.  My son of course has different interest-mostly these days playing on his tablet.  He is a very independent child when it comes to getting juice out of the fridge or grabbing some fruit to snack on, he even goes to the bathroom on his own when he isn't wearing a diaper.  However, he is very much jealous; although it is passing with each day.  My daughter mostly just lays here beside me enjoying tummy time and looking about the room cooing to herself as she so pleases.
I have come to find that most of the issues arise when my son who has been playing by himself comes up to me the moment I start pumping or feeding my daughter.  Its so hard not become frustrated because he demands my attention and if I don't give it at that very moment the whole world is going to en?d.  When I can finally give him a moment between breasts or lay my daughter down he is already done with me.
My biggest fear these days is that my son will lose interest in me as a playmate and someone he can count on because the moment he needs me I am unable to give him my full devotion.  I'm not sure how many of you have children close together, but I hope that as they grow older they older they understand that mommy wasn't ignoring them, or that they weren't unwanted because something new came into the picture.  I hope that in the next few weeks I am able to give my son the attention he needs and wants because I am better at time management or at least timing when he is going to want or need my full attention.
The blessing of having both of my children is the fact that however jealous my son is of his sister he is very much in love with her.  He is always asking 'where sissy?' or 'makin milk for sissy?'  He is always so kind and courteous helping out as much as he can and even giving her secret kisses when he thinks no one is looking.  I know that in the coming year I will get to watch my children grow together, look after one another and fight as siblings do.  It is something I very much look forward to since I was an only child. 
I would never take back having my children when I did.  I will cherish each and every day with both of them through the ups and downs and think to myself that its going to get easier.  I hope that all of you parents with two children can learn to accept that nothing is perfect and in the moment it all seems like its going to fail, but it won't and you will be ok.  Keep being the best parent you can be.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

To start things off lets just say I've cracked my hand at this before and it was all for naught.  Two years down the road, I'm going to try this again.  
My name is Tamra and I have two beautiful children-Ducky, and Arianna.  I have worked my butt off for the last two years as a CNA and right now I'm going to take some time off to try and be a stay at home mommmy.  Hoping this all works out.
As of right now I can say I am in a comfortable place, but it could always get better-hence the title.  Throughout this blog I am hoping to speak about my accomplishments, my downfalls, and even the uplifting moments that can make everyone's day a little bit brighter.
For starters lets me just get this out there.  I am not your typical mommy, I don't judge other moms for their beliefs and I don't expect them to judge me for mine.  I absolutely hate the way that television portrays mommyhood-what a crock right?  We have all read it and all seen it, it never works the way that we want it to no matter what.  Just go with it.
Go with the flow of your child's day, obviously keep them in some kind of boundary so that society doesn't hate them and you later in life, but build your day around them.  Keep yourself happy don't ever forget to think for yourself while considering others but don't forget about you.  It's okay to be lazy some days of the week-I do it, and so do you; even if you won't admit it to others.
I hope everyone enjoys this small little thing  that I hope to turn into a big thing.  Even if its for my own enjoyment-don't forget you remember?